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Planning & Sheduling
What are you doing the rest of your life?

Did I tell you about Claudia, the girl I met last week? You won't believe it, but when I saw her, I decided her to be the project of my life, and I almost went up to her and asked "What are you doing the rest of your life?"

My best tips
Do your best to define what you want - an even you will repeat it as often as possible, expect that it will never be precise enough. Marriage would be wonderful; I always dreamed about someone like Claudia. Dark blue smiling eyes, fountain of good humour, honest and fair. Well we will see what the future bring: will I be rich, will she still love me? ... Children? I shall keep all options open...
Think big: it is easier to cut back on the scope of a project rather than trying to fulfil additional wishes later. She deserves all I can get her. Hard work, extra hours? I'll do what it takes... The price is too high? Not for me... My optimism fires my imagination.

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